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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

75+ Tips on Becoming a Better Networker

By Jessica Hupp

Networking can open you up to new opportunities, relationships, and more. But you have to know what you’re doing, or your attempts may quickly become an exercise in futility. Follow these tips to sharpen your skills and make networking work for you.

The Basics

Before you can become a better networker, you’ve got to master these essentials.

1. Always introduce yourself: Don’t get caught up in a conversation and forget to tell someone who you are. Be sure to say your name clearly and offer a business card when appropriate.
2. Shake hands: Create a physical connection and open yourself up with a handshake.
3. Bring lots of business cards: Never network empty-handed. Always have something to give to others for them to remember you by.
4. Outline your goals: Have a clear plan in sight for every event or contact, and you’ll be better prepared to reap success through networking.
5. Be genuine: No one wants to talk to someone who presents themselves awkwardly. Be authentic, and people will trust you.
6. Stay positive: Be an energizing force to those around you, and others will be attracted.
7. Keep a generous mindset: Don’t go to a meeting thinking about what you want. Rather, think about how you can help others, and you’ll earn what you’re looking for.

Other 70 tips you can find on this link

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